Animated short by Anna Keum
Inflated (Anna Keum)
Sound Design | Animated Short
Voices performed by Andrew Grabowska
Story and Animation by Anna Keum
Music by Felix Arifin. 
Many of the sound effects were sourced from balloons, including the sound of the dolphin's whistle, the horse's snort, the robot's rocket, and most locomotion sounds.​​​​​​​
em memória
Animated short by Danny Silva
em memória
(Danny Silva)
Sound Design | Animated Short
Sound design for Danny Silva's animated short film, em memória. 
Music by Joel Santos
Story and animation by Danny Silva
Click the picture to be taken to Danny Silva's website where you can watch the short film.

From the Sky
Animated short by Aiden Guo
trailer featured below
From the Sky
(Aiden Guo)
Sound Design | Animated Short
Sound design for Aiden Guo's animated short film, From the Sky. 
The short's release is TBD. Featured here is the trailer.
Music featured in the trailer by
Story and Animation by Aiden Guo

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